The Hole in the Ground (2019)

I love sitting terrified in the dark in front of a good horror film. The older I become, the more susceptible I am to their trepidations; not the other way round, as I expected.

I watch a lot of horror but most of it disappoints. I have a low threshold for being intimidated into covering my face with a cushion, but that’s due to the hackneyed, manipulative crap emitting from my tv.

Thrilled I am, you can imagine, then, when I come across a film that paralyzes me, wide-eyed, on my sofa; one of those movies that are impossible to pause for a cup of tea or a visit to the pissoir because you will be a coward for daring to break the tension.

Lee Cronin’s The Hole in the Ground is a slow-builder that sets out its stall without a moment of monotony – even if you are waiting impatiently to be bulldozed, blubbering, into the corner of the room. The cinematography is often magnificent and the score is damn eerie. Admirable performances from Seána Kerslake, James Cosmo and young James Quinn Markey round off a thoroughly enjoyable indie horror story.

Well, I’m not sure ‘enjoyable’ is the right word.


Wonderful Cinema strongly recommends that you don’t ruin the impact the director has prepared for you by watching trailers or reading spoilers before you’ve seen the movie.

Of course, I know a lot of you can’t resist…

You can find more information on this Irish film on WikipediaIMDb and Rotten Tomatoes.


Country, Language Ireland, English
Director Lee Cronin
Lead Actors Seána Kerslake, James Cosmo, Simone Kirby, Steve Wall, James Quinn Markey (click here for full cast)
Screenplay Lee Cronin, Stephen Shields
Cinematography Tom Comerfeld
Editing Colin Campbell
Score Stephen McKeon



  1. OK, I didn’t watch the trailer, and the film DVD is now added to my Amazon Wish List.
    More importantly, where have you been? I thought you must have escaped Brexit by moving to Uzbekistan, or been abducted by aliens.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Haha, you know me, Pete. I keep slipping between parallel universes!

      How are you diddlin’? I hope all is good with you.

      1. Still muddling along, Shimky. I will be 68 in March, and I’m surprised that I lived so long. Blogging is my lifeblood, I suspect. I am starting a series on ‘Film Flops’ tomorrow, with ‘The Cotton Club’.
        Cheers mate, Pete.

        1. Yes, life does spring some surprises. I really enjoy the blogging too, although consistency ain’t my forté!

          Good luck with the new series, Pete. I’ll check it out. I’ve always been fascinated by flip flops and other footwear.

          Yes, I’m kiddin’ ya. 🙂

  2. I am definitely going to check this one out! I have the same issues with horror movies so I am excited to hear of this! Thanks for the recommendation and review. I never watch trailers or read reviews because I don’t want anyone else’s opinion to cloud my enjoyment or spoil the exciting moments

    1. You are most welcome, ubergina! Or is it Gina, as in “Über Gina”?

      Here is a long list of other horror films I have enjoyed with a lot of additional suggestions from readers in the comments:

      Hot Topic: Good Horror Films?

      I hope you enjoy some of them too! If you do, I’d love you to report back! 🙂

      All the best

    1. Hi Ahmed! Congratulations on becoming Chiraqi :). That’s a great story on your site about Ana La Habibi bringing you together! I hope you enjoy the movie!

      1. Oh my goodness thank you so much. There are a lot of fate involved in our story and I’ll share them too. We will enjoy it. Thank you again for the kind message 🙂

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